Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Who thinks up stuff like this?

Couldn't stop laughing over and over the day I found this on a friend's system. Thought I should share a laugh or two with you guys.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ede YORUBA Ponbele.

My first reaction was Amusement, then Disbelief, then Admiration, then Pride, then Disappointment in myself, then a bit of Shock, back to Amusement, then Disbelief ....and the roller coaster just continued. This video is so ....u know what? maybe i should just let you decide. Leave comments.

A a sori re o! Amin.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Loss ...

It cant be ignored can it? the loss of our appreciated acts like C D John gets to me so much like I know these guys personally. I cant really point out why these things happen but we all know we will die at some point but i would advise our young celebrities to take more care when they are "off stage" or back to "real life" as they also need to understand that their fans love them and when such things happen, it could really break hearts. I thought Dagrin's death touched me but I know I felt this one a lot more as I happened to be home (Nigeria) when this happened. R.I.P  C D John. May Almighty God continue to protect all the rest of you (public figures). Most importantly, realize that your talents and gifts are God given so please take Him seriously and put Him first in all you do. God Bless you all, and God Bless Nigeria.

Monday, March 14, 2011

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Happy to share. FREE sign-up too

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How much are you giving?

It's not how much it costs in monetary value, but what value it adds to the recipient that matters. Give what you can, makes the world go round: not money. GIVERS NEVER LACK!

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You want to be successful? Really? How Bad?

What do you think? Can you really want to be successful that bad? Yes you can! But can you give success that attitude: needing it like you need to breathe? Lets see your comments.